Links INFO & LINKS Ljubljana INFO Visit Ljubljana Ljubljana's official Tourist Info site with rich content I Feel Slovenia Slovenia Tourist board site for out-of-town travel Railway Station Get in and out of Ljubljana by train Bus Station Get in and out of Ljubljana by Bus In Your Pocket Excellent source of information on anything happening in town Ljubljana Municipality Anything and everything concerning Ljubljana. Tourism and beyond. FREE City WiFi Get free WiFi connection for up to 1 hour a day on any smart phone Things To Do Barka Ljubljanica The only hand-made wooden boat in town. Ask our guide for free drink voucher. Wonderland Ljubljana Wacky ambience, surreal design, excellent drinks and Top Notch food. City Museum Our favorite museum covering everything from Roman Emona to Communist times. Museum of Natural History See the world's oldest musical instrument or check out the huge mamoth remains Ljubljana Castle Offers, schedules and costs on the official Ljubljana Castle website Useful Stuff Your Travel Route Excellent site for creating your own travel routes. Your Travel Route Credit Card site with nice article about us. Slovenia Tours ROUNDABOUT Most popular trips around Slovenia & Balkans Wine Tours SLovenia Specialized wine tours Mt. Triglav Tours Conquer Slovenia's highest peak with climbing tours Fishing Tours Exlore SLovenian waters with the fishing secialists FREE TOUR COMMUNITY ZAGREBBELGRADESKOPJESALZBURGSOFIATBILISICRACOWFLORENCERIVIERAMARSEILLESTRASBOURGBORDEAUXBRUGESKIEVMINSKRIGAOXFORDCARDIFFGIRONAMALLORCALEIPZIGLEIPZIGNEW ORLEANSMEXICOMELBOURNEBOGOTACARTAGENAALICANTEFLORENCETEHRANLIMABARRANCOQUITOAREQUIPABUENOS AIRESSINGAPORESYDNEY UNITED EUROPE FREE TOURS AMSTERDAMBARCELONABERLINBRATISLAVABUCHARESTBUDAPESTDUBLINLONDONLISBONMADRIDSAN SEBASTIANCESKY KRUMLOV